High-Volume Bariatric Surgery in a Single Center: Safety, Quality, Cost-Efficacy and Teaching Aspects in 2,000 Consecutive Cases

Conclusions  Multimodal evidence-based care within the fast-track methodology and routine time recordings was successful in order to increase
the production volumes and reduce costs, without compromising the safety or quality for the patients. This kind of approach
may be transferred to other types of standardized surgery.

Content Type Journal ArticleCategory Clinical ResearchPages 1-9DOI 10.1007/s11695-011-0557-0Authors
H. J. Jacobsen, Department of Surgery and Anesthesia, Aleris Hospital, Fredrik-Stangsgt. 11-13, 0264 Oslo, NorwayA. Bergland, Department of Surgery and Anesthesia, Aleris Hospital, Fredrik-Stangsgt. 11-13, 0264 Oslo, NorwayJ. Raeder, Department of Surgery and Anesthesia, Aleris Hospital, Fredrik-Stangsgt. 11-13, 0264 Oslo, NorwayH. G. Gislason, Depar…